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Free CGPA, SGPA, and SRM CGPA Calculator

Calculate your grades easily with this free online tool. Track your academic performance and improve your results.

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What is CGPA, SGPA, and SRM CGPA?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is the average of all your Grade Points across multiple semesters or academic years. It reflects your overall academic performance and is a key metric used by universities and employers to evaluate students.

SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) is the average of your Grade Points for a single semester. It helps you track your performance in a specific term and identify areas for improvement.

SRM CGPA is the CGPA calculated specifically for SRM University students, following the university's grading system.

How to Use This Calculator

1. Select the mode (CGPA, SGPA, or SRM CGPA).
2. Add semesters and courses.
3. Enter credits and select grades.
4. Click "Calculate" to view your results.

Why Use This Calculator?

This free online calculator is designed to help students and educators easily calculate CGPA, SGPA, and SRM CGPA. It is accurate, user-friendly, and works on all devices.